Ho`ōla Nā Pua, meaning ‘New Life for Our Children,’ was founded to shine light into dark voids of violation, placing the health of Hawaii’s youth at the center of our mission and our vision for our community. We are committed to the prevention of child sex trafficking and providing care for children who have been exploited. Ho`ōla Nā Pua (HNP) is dedicated to creating a community where children are safe and have the ability to embrace their bright futures. Today, not only does HNP offer integrated programming that reaches over thousands of youth and community members and stakeholders across the state of Hawaii annually, but is considered a national partner and a rising standard in the global effort to stop sex trafficking, permanently.

What is sex trafficking?

The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, coercion or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age. (22 USC § 7102)

What is sexual exploitation?

The commercial sexual exploitation of children, also known as CSEC, refers to a range of crimes and activities involving the sexual abuse or exploitation of a child for the financial benefit of any person or in exchange for anything of value (including monetary and non-monetary benefits) given or received by any person. Examples of crimes and acts that constitute CSEC:
  • child sex trafficking;
  • child sex tourism involving commercial sexual activity;
  • commercial production of child pornography;
  • online transmission of live video of a child engaged in sexual activity in exchange for anything of value.
Facts About Sex Trafficking in Hawaii
  • The average age a child is first sex trafficked is 11 years old.
  • 1 in 3 child victims are recruited online into sex trafficking.
  • 1 in 4 child victims are exploited by their own family. (3 out of 4 are exploited by someone they know.)
  • 69% of sex trafficking victims have been homeless
Systems ranging from foster care involvement, criminal justice personnel, schools, and healthcare providers may have interacted with these children without recognizing the complexity of their experiences. Without the support necessary to wrap around these children when they try to exit their situation, the cycle continues. An adequate response to the problem requires participation from numerous entities, including advocates, mentors, service providers, health and mental health care providers, law enforcement, legislators, prosecutors, educators, and the commercial sector. A problem of this scope and scale can only be tackled when the community is aware, engaged, and committed to preventing victimization and supporting the comprehensive services that are needed for those who have been victimized. Through collaboration and partnerships, Ho’ōla Nā Pua is building a comprehensive and sustainable response to the issue of sex trafficking and exploitation. This includes programming to address prevention, intervention, empowerment, and health to create a continuum of care. Healthy recovery from severe trauma requires coordinated services that are culturally responsive, survivor informed, and trauma informed.

Research Specific to Hawai’i

Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i – Hawai’i Island – Sex Trafficking Experiences – Hawai’i Island
Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i – Kauai – Sex Trafficking Experiences – Kauai
Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i – Maui – Sex Trafficking Experiences – Maui
Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i – Oahu – Sex Trafficking Experiences – Oahu
Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i part III – Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i
Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i part III – Sex Trafficking Experiences Across Hawai’i
Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i part II – The Stories of Survivors
Sex Trafficking in Hawai’i part I – Exploring Online Sex Buying
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