STEP 1 Set a date

Pick a date, time, and location. Would you like to host coffee hour or dinner? At a coffee shop, restaurant, or your home? What works best for you and your guests will make for the right gathering.  

STEP 2 Connect

Life is ALWAYS better with friends so ask a friend to host WITH you! Invite your community to support you and in hosting this event.

A restaurant owner may want to support by giving you a discount or a friend may bring a signature dish to your home. A neighbor may share some beautiful flowers from their yard. 

STEP 3 Plan

Keep things simple ~ we don’t want to create added stress in your life and we want you to enjoy this experience of advocacy.

Invite the number of people you are comfortable with hosting at a location that will provide a good experience for you and your guests.

STEP 4 Invite

A Bright Futures Gathering is new to our community but a personal invitation from you will be familiar and welcoming to them. Just as you would invite a friend to dinner, personally invite your friends and colleagues to fill the table. Your invitation will let them know that this is an opportunity for you to share with them your advocacy for the mission of Ho‘ōla Pua and an opportunity for them to learn about support Ho‘ōla Pua if they would like to.  

STEP 5 Host

Invite Ho‘ōla Pua staff, 2-3 depending on the number of guests you invite, to attend the event to share about the work of Ho‘ōla Pua, to assist with planning the event, and to facilitate any support or involvement your guests may want to contribute.  

STEP 6 Stay Connected

Thank your friends for coming and Ho‘ōla Pua will follow up with a mahalo card as well. 

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